YouTube to mp3 est le service en ligne le plus simple qui soit pour convertir des vidéos en mp3. Pas besoin de créer un compte, la seule chose qu’il vous faut est l’adresse (URL) d’une vidéo YouTube. La conversion est lancée dès que vous nous soumettez l’adresse de la vidéo, ensuite il vous suffira de télécharger le mp3 que nous aurons créé. A la différence d’autres services, l’intégralité du processus de conversion est effectué au sein de notre infrastructure, vous n’avez qu’à télécharger le fichier audio alors stocké sur nos serveurs. Ainsi, notre service est multi-platforme : vous pouvez l’utiliser sur votre Mac, un PC sous Linux ou même un iPhone. Toutes nos conversions sont effectuées en mode haute qualité avec un taux d’échantillonage égal ou supérieur à 128 kBit/s. Ne vous inquiétez pas, notre service est entièrement gratuit. Il nécessite approximativement 3 à 4 minutes par vidéo.

About is a free YouTube to MP3 converter. It allows you to convert and download a video from YouTube to MP3 audio online.

DSPL Tools

DSPL Tools is a small suite of command-line utilities designed to help generate, organize, and validate DSPL datasets. The suite currently includes the following components:

  • DSPL Check: Checks a dataset against a variety of criteria including adherence to the official DSPL schema, consistency of internal references, and CSV layout.
  • DSPL Gen: Generates a simple, DSPL dataset “template” from an input CSV file

This software is released under a BSD license; the full source code is available for browsing and download on the DSPL open source site. Release notes are provided in the DSPL Tools README file.

DSPL Developer Guide

DSPL stands for Dataset Publishing Language. It is a representation format for both the metadata (information about the dataset, such as its name and provider, as well as the concepts it contains and displays) and actual data of datasets. Datasets described in this format can be imported into the Google Public Data Explorer, a tool that allows for rich, visual exploration of the data.

Note: To upload data to Google Public Data using the Public Data upload tool, you must have a Google Account.

This document is intended for data owners who want their content to be available in the Public Data Explorer. It goes beyond the Tutorial by diving deeper into the details of the DSPL schema and supported features. Only a basic familiarity of XML is assumed, although knowledge of relational databases is also useful.

Although not a requirement, we suggest reading through the Tutorial, which is shorter and easier to digest, before looking at this document.


dplyr is a new package which provides a set of tools for efficiently manipulating datasets in R. dplyr is the next iteration of plyr, focussing on only data frames. dplyr is faster, has a more consistent API and should be easier to use. There are three key ideas that underlie dplyr:

  1. Your time is important, so Romain Francois has written the key pieces in Rcpp to provide blazing fast performance. Performance will only get better over time, especially once we figure out the best way to make the most of multiple processors.
  2. Tabular data is tabular data regardless of where it lives, so you should use the same functions to work with it. With dplyr, anything you can do to a local data frame you can also do to a remote database table. PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and Google bigquery support is built-in; adding a new backend is a matter of implementing a handful of S3 methods.
  3. The bottleneck in most data analyses is the time it takes for you to figure out what to do with your data, and dplyr makes this easier by having individual functions that correspond to the most common operations (group_by, summarise, mutate, filter, select and arrange). Each function does one only thing, but does it well.


BUGS is a software package for performing Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling. The user specifies a statistical model, of (almost) arbitrary complexity, by simply stating the relationships between related variables. The software includes an ‘expert system’, which determines an appropriate MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) scheme (based on the Gibbs sampler) for analysing the specified model. The user then controls the execution of the scheme and is free to choose from a wide range of output types.


There are two main versions of BUGS, namely WinBUGS and OpenBUGS. This site is dedicated to OpenBUGS, an open-source version of the package, on which all future development work will be focused. OpenBUGS, therefore, represents the future of the BUGS project. WinBUGS, on the other hand, is an established and stable, stand-alone version of the software, which will remain available but not further developed. The latest versions of OpenBUGS (from v3.0.7 onwards) have been designed to be at least as efficient and reliable as WinBUGS over a wide range of test applications. Please see here for more information on WinBUGS. OpenBUGS runs on x86 machines with MS Windows, Unix/Linux or Macintosh (using Wine).

Note that software exists to run OpenBUGS (and analyse its output) from within both R and SAS, amongst others.

For additional details on the differences between OpenBUGS and WinBUGS see the OpenVsWin manual page.

Norton labels any new sofware as WS.Reputation.1

WS.Reputation.1 – is this the best they can come with?

‎12-21-2011 08:29 PM – edited ‎12-21-2011 08:33 PM

I just found out that Norton labels any new sofware as WS.Reputation.1 VIRUS and deletes it after the download.

Please can some here answer these questions?

1. How Norton users will get to a perfectly fine new file if it is labeled as virus and deleted?
2. Why Norton ruins businesses by labeling perfectly fine new version of software as virus?
3. Why is Norton LYING to his paying customers and robs them from ability to try and use perfectly fine software?
4. Is that the best they can think of? Taking customers money for nothing is that the new Norton business model?
5. Do you pretend to have reputation by scaring people with nonsense and lying about other vendor files and labeling them WS.Reputation.1 ?

They have invented this name WS.Reputation.1 to sound like a virus. On their own qweb site they explain they use that label when they DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE FILE! How can you label file as virus if you acknowledge you do not know anything about it? Are you running a little scam here?

Role Theory

Role Theory proposed that human behavior is guided by expectations held both by the individual and by other people. The expectations correspond to different roles individualsperform or enact in their daily lives, such as secretary, father, or friend. For instance, most people hold pre-conceived notions of the role expectations of a secretary, which might include: answering phones, making and managing appointments, filing paperwork, and typing memos. These role expectations would not be expected of a professional soccer player.

Individuals generally have and manage many roles. Roles consist of a set of rules or norms that function as plans or blueprints to guide behavior. Roles specify what goals should be pursued, what tasks must be accomplished, and what performances are required in a given scenario or situation. Role theory holds that a substantial proportion of observable, day-to-day social behavior is simply persons carrying out their roles, much as actors carry out their roles on the stage or ballplayers theirs on the field. Role theory is, in fact, predictive. It implies that if we have information about the role expectations for a specified position (e.g., sister, fireman, prostitute), a significant portion of the behavior of the persons occupying that position can be predicted.

What’s more, role theory also argues that in order to change behavior it is necessary to change roles; roles correspond to behaviors and vice versa. In addition to heavily influencing behavior, roles influence beliefs and attitudes; individuals will change their beliefs and attitudes to correspond with their roles. For instance, someone over-looked for a promotion to a managerial position in a company may change their beliefs about the benefits of management by convincing him/herself that they didn’t want the additional responsibility that would have accompanied the position.

Many role theorists see Role Theory as one of the most compelling theories bridging individual behavior and social structure. Roles, which are in part dictated by social structure and in part by social interactions (see the two approaches outlined below), guide the behavior of the individual. The individual, in turn, influences the norms, expectations, and behaviors associated with roles. The understanding is reciprocal and didactic.