How can I get more ebook OPDS download sites for the reader?
Here is a list in MobileRead Wiki:, you can also google “opds sites” for more.
Hard and soft
How can I get more ebook OPDS download sites for the reader?
Here is a list in MobileRead Wiki:, you can also google “opds sites” for more.
SEO Black Hat tiene material interesante sobre Google y otros buscadores
Internet es la calle más transitada del mundo, pero el trafico en cada pagina depende principalmente del posicionamiento en los buscadores como Google. Al arte de colocarse en los primeros lugares de los listados se le conoce como Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Google mantiene como secreto la mecánica de asignación de lugares, que además cambia de manera continúa. Es un proceso bastante errático, y los que logran colocarse en la primera pagina para la lista de búsqueda de un conjunto de palabras, tenderán a mantenerse ahí hagan lo que hagan, tengan el contenido que tengan, siempre y cuando Google no los vete, por razones también erráticas y misteriosas. Es decir, el SEO es un deporte extremo.
How to track your Blogger statistics with Google:
Or if you are familiar with coding:
Also, you might want to get your blog Google verified (link to tutorial for Blogger) so your blog gets crawled so your chances to show up on search results increases. Here is a tutorial for you users.
The number of malware samples that use P-to-P (peer-to-peer) communications has increased fivefold during the past 12 months, according to researchers from security firm Damballa.
The number of malware samples that use P-to-P (peer-to-peer) communications has increased fivefold during the past 12 months, according to researchers from security firm Damballa.
I have changed the zoom on some pages. This pages comes with this zoom factor even if close and restart chrome. How to clear this changes?
ctrl + 0
From the Activity log, select “Comments”, and you’ll get a chronological list of all your comments.
In addition, you can also request a download of your Facebook data, if you want to do some automated analysis or processing on it. You can do this from Account settings. It takes a while for the download to be ready. “Once your download is ready, [Facebook will] send an email to the email address listed on your Facebook account along with a link to your download.”
However, it’s quite possible neither of these methods provide the amount of likes on each of your comments. The description on types of provided data does mention that
I’m able to backup to Google Drive and Dropbox, but it’s a bit fragile. TB coding for the syncs/backups is really not very robust. The notifications are pretty nondescript and there is no real logging. It seems to me that any glitch in the data transfers cause the syncs to exit, rather than execute any retries.
I’m having some troubles too im on TBP 5.6 and whenever i sync to either drop or drive i get “upload to google drive failed network error”. However i dont need to resume, i can continue. Im not sure if those backups are viable since it was disconnected so many times. The backups work, but the code seems to me to be not very robust. You need to watch your notifications to make sure the backup was successful, and if not, run another one manually.
It’s annoying, and I don’t think it’s going to change.
Google Drive and Dropbox give network errors when trying to upload. I bought Titanium Backup Pro specifically for cloud sync. The first time, it synced about 300 MB to my Google Drive account, but then the backup stopped. Now it doesn’t even sync that much anymore; it just fails – BOTH on Google Drive and on Box. For Google Drive it tells me there was a “Network error”, for Box it tells me: “Internal error
Try Foldersync.
Had some issues originally syncing to the cloud where it always failed and it turned out to be Google music related. Specifically I think it was the amount of offline files it couldn’t sync or maybe it was a database, I don’t recall but basically I setup a new job to sync very little and slowly increased it until I figured out what the issue was.
Delete the backup for the apk listed in the error message, then back the app up again. That’s fixed Dropbox sync issues for me on multiple occasions.