How do I change the name of a label in blogger?

How do I change the name of a label?

Let’s say you have a number of posts with the label Label-1 but you’ve decided that you’d rather call it Label-2 instead. You can’t edit the name of a label directly, but there’s a simple workaround to accomplish your goal:

Go to the Posting | Edit Posts tab for your blog.
Click Label-1 in the label list.
Click Select All to select every post with this label.
From the Label Actions… menu, choose Apply label > New Label…
Enter Label-2 as your new label. (If you already have some posts with this label, you can simply add that label, without creating a new one.)
Now all the selected posts should have both labels. From the Label Actions… menu again, select Remove label > Label-1, and you’ve completed the switch.

Note: If you have a large number of posts with this label, they may not all appear on one page. You can show more posts at once using the Posts Per Page menu. If you still can’t show them all at once, then simply repeat the steps above until you’ve changed the labels on all the posts you wanted to affect

Blogger does not have a File Manager


To do this in Blogger is a little different than with Typepad because Blogger does not have a File Manager.  Instead, you can use a free service from Google called Google Docs (

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Internet es la calle más transitada del mundo, pero el trafico en cada pagina depende principalmente del posicionamiento en los buscadores como Google. Al arte de colocarse en los primeros lugares de los listados se le conoce como Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Google mantiene como secreto la mecánica de asignación de lugares, que además cambia de manera continúa. Es un proceso bastante errático, y los que logran colocarse en la primera pagina para la lista de búsqueda de un conjunto de palabras, tenderán a mantenerse ahí hagan lo que hagan, tengan el contenido que tengan, siempre y cuando Google no los vete, por razones también erráticas y misteriosas. Es decir, el SEO es un deporte extremo.

Referencias, recursos, y ejemplos

Blogger seo

How to track your Blogger statistics with Google:

  1. Go to Google Analytics to sign up or log in.
  2. When logged in, choose to create a new account and follow the steps.
  3. When you get to “Add Tracking“, open up a new window and log in to your Blogger account.
  4. Go to your blog’s settings and choose “Template” and then “Page Elements“
  5. Have a look at the footer (it has to be the footer!) of the design and choose to “Add a Page Element“.
  6. Find the “HTML/JavaScript” element and then “Add to blog“.
  7. Don’t write anything in the title column.
  8. Copy and paste the code from Google Analytics in the content box and “Save changes”.
  9. Then continue the steps on Google Analytics and you’re done!

Or if you are familiar with coding:

  1. From dashboard – Settings – Template – Edit HTML
  2. Scroll down to the very bottom in the box and locate the tag.
  3. Copy and past the Google code right BEFORE the tag and then save.
  4. To check your stats you just have to click “View Reports”.
  5. If it says “Tracking Unknown” in the status column, you have done something wrong.

Also, you might want to get your blog Google verified (link to tutorial for Blogger) so your blog gets crawled so your chances to show up on search results increases. Here is a tutorial for you users.

How do I change the name of a label in blogger?

How do I change the name of a label?

Let’s say you have a number of posts with the label Label-1 but you’ve decided that you’d rather call it Label-2 instead. You can’t edit the name of a label directly, but there’s a simple workaround to accomplish your goal:

Go to the Posting | Edit Posts tab for your blog.
Click Label-1 in the label list.
Click Select All to select every post with this label.
From the Label Actions… menu, choose Apply label > New Label…
Enter Label-2 as your new label. (If you already have some posts with this label, you can simply add that label, without creating a new one.)
Now all the selected posts should have both labels. From the Label Actions… menu again, select Remove label > Label-1, and you’ve completed the switch.

Note: If you have a large number of posts with this label, they may not all appear on one page. You can show more posts at once using the Posts Per Page menu. If you still can’t show them all at once, then simply repeat the steps above until you’ve changed the labels on all the posts you wanted to affect