A significant advantage of eBook reading device is the capacity, even with a basic version of Kindle, you can hold thousands of eBooks with this handy size device. But every coin has two sides, after finishing and archiving more and more books, the storage space will become more and more disordered.
When you need to spend minutes to find the book you want to read, it is high time that you cleaned your ebook shelf up.
Identify Your Needs
Before cleaning your Kindle up, you should know what kind of deletion do you need.
1) You have downloaded too many books and finished most of them, now you want to make your Kindle looks clear and clean, delete those finished books from device but keep them in cloud.
• You are using Kindle device, like Kindle Touch, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Fire
• You are using Kindle app, like Kindle for Android, Kindle for iOS
2) You even don’t want to see those finished books in archive, want to delete them from Kindle Cloud.
• Delete books completely from your Kindle Cloud, delete books from Kindle archive
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