x = A b; in Matlab

x = A b;

  1. Is A square?
    no => use QR to solve least squares problem.
  2. Is A triangular or permuted triangular?
    yes => sparse triangular solve
  3. Is A symmetric with positive diagonal elements?
    yes => attempt Cholesky after symmetric minimum degree.
  4. Otherwise
    => use LU on A (:, colamd(A))

Spectral theorem

Spectral theorem

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In mathematics, particularly linear algebra and functional analysis, the spectral theorem is any of a number of results about linear operators or about matrices. In broad terms the spectral theorem provides conditions under which an operator or a matrix can bediagonalized (that is, represented as a diagonal matrix in some basis). This concept of diagonalization is relatively straightforward for operators on finite-dimensional spaces, but requires some modification for operators on infinite-dimensional spaces. In general, the spectral theorem identifies a class of linear operators that can be modelled by multiplication operators, which are as simple as one can hope to find. In more abstract language, the spectral theorem is a statement about commutative C*-algebras. See also spectral theory for a historical perspective.
Examples of operators to which the spectral theorem applies are self-adjoint operators or more generally normal operators on Hilbert spaces.
The spectral theorem also provides a canonical decomposition, called the spectral decompositioneigenvalue decomposition, or eigendecomposition, of the underlying vector space on which the operator acts.
In this article we consider mainly the simplest kind of spectral theorem, that for a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space. However, as noted above, the spectral theorem also holds for normal operators on a Hilbert space.

Power iteration

Power iteration

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In mathematics, the power iteration is an eigenvalue algorithm: given a matrix A, the algorithm will produce a number λ (theeigenvalue) and a nonzero vector v (the eigenvector), such that Av = λv.
The power iteration is a very simple algorithm. It does not compute a matrix decomposition, and hence it can be used when A is a very large sparse matrix. However, it will find only one eigenvalue (the one with the greatest absolute value) and it may converge only slowly.

Lanczos algorithm

Lanczos algorithm

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The Lanczos algorithm is an iterative algorithm invented by Cornelius Lanczos that is an adaptation of power methods to findeigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix or the singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix. It is particularly useful for finding decompositions of very large sparse matrices. In Latent Semantic Indexing, for instance, matrices relating millions of documents to hundreds of thousands of terms must be reduced to singular-value form.
Peter Montgomery published in 1995 an algorithm, based on the Lanczos algorithm, for finding elements of the nullspace of a large sparse matrix over GF(2); since the set of people interested in large sparse matrices over finite fields and the set of people interested in large eigenvalue problems scarcely overlap, this is often also called the block Lanczos algorithm without causing unreasonable confusion. See Block Lanczos algorithm for nullspace of a matrix over a finite field.

Arnoldi iteration

Arnoldi iteration

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In numerical linear algebra, the Arnoldi iteration is an eigenvalue algorithm and an important example of iterative methods. Arnoldi finds the eigenvalues of general (possibly non-Hermitianmatrices; an analogous method for Hermitian matrices is the Lanczos iteration. The Arnoldi iteration was invented by W. E. Arnoldi in 1951.
The term iterative method, used to describe Arnoldi, can perhaps be somewhat confusing. Note that all general eigenvalue algorithms must be iterative. This is not what is referred to when we say Arnoldi is an iterative method. Rather, Arnoldi belongs to a class of linear algebra algorithms (based on the idea of Krylov subspaces) that give a partial result after a relatively small number of iterations. This is in contrast to so-called direct methods, which must complete to give any useful results.
Arnoldi iteration is a typical large sparse matrix algorithm: It does not access the elements of the matrix directly, but rather makes the matrix map vectors and makes its conclusions from their images. This is the motivation for building the Krylov subspace.

Conjugate gradient method

Conjugate gradient method

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A comparison of the convergence ofgradient descent with optimal step size (in green) and conjugate gradient (in red) for minimizing a quadratic function associated with a given linear system. Conjugate gradient, assuming exact arithmetics, converges in at most n steps where n is the size of the matrix of the system (here n=2).

In mathematics, the conjugate gradient method is an algorithm for the numerical solution of particular systems of linear equations, namely those whose matrix issymmetric and positive-definite. The conjugate gradient method is an iterative method, so it can be applied to sparse systems that are too large to be handled by direct methods such as the Cholesky decomposition. Such systems often arise when numerically solvingpartial differential equations.
The conjugate gradient method can also be used to solve unconstrained optimizationproblems such as energy minimization.
The biconjugate gradient method provides a generalization to non-symmetric matrices. Various nonlinear conjugate gradient methods seek minima of nonlinear equations.

Jacobi method

Jacobi method

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In numerical linear algebra, the Jacobi method is an algorithm for determining the solutions of a system of linear equations with largest absolute values in each row and column dominated by the diagonal element. Each diagonal element is solved for, and an approximate value plugged in. The process is then iterated until it converges. This algorithm is a stripped-down version of the Jacobi transformation method of matrix diagonalization. The method is named after German mathematician Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi.

Chebyshev iteration method

An iterative algorithm for finding a solution to a linear equation

that takes account of information about the inclusion of  — the spectrum of the operator  — in a certain set , and uses the properties and parameters of those polynomials that deviate least from zero on  and are equal to 1 at 0.

The most well-developed Chebyshev iteration method is obtained when in (1) is a linear self-adjoint operator and , where  are the boundary points of the spectrum; then the Chebyshev iteration method uses the properties of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. For this case one considers two types of Chebyshev iteration methods:

in which for a given  one obtains a sequence  as . In (2) and (3)  and  are the numerical parameters of the method. If , then the initial error  and the error at the -th iteration  are related by the formula



The polynomials  are calculated using the parameters of each of the methods (2)(3): for method(2)


where  are the elements of the permutation , while for method (3)they are calculated from the recurrence relations



The methods (2) and (3) can be optimized on the class of problems for which  by choosing the parameters such that  in (4) is the polynomial least deviating from zero on . It was proved in 1881 by P.L. Chebyshev that this is the polynomial

where . Then



Substituting (7) for  in (6), the parameters  of the method (3) are determined:



Thus, computing  and  by the formulas (9) and (10), one obtains the Chebyshev iteration method (3) for which  is optimally small for each .
To optimize (2) for a given , the parameters  are chosen corresponding to the permutation in formula (5) in such a way that (7) holds, that is,

Then after  iterations, inequality (8) holds for .

An important problem for small  is the question of the stability of the method (2)(5)(11). An imprudent choice of  may lead to a catastrophic increase in  for some , to the loss of significant figures, or to an increase in the rounding-off errors allowed on intermediate iteration. There exist algorithms that mix the parameters in (11) and guarantee the stability of the calculations: for  see Iteration algorithm; and for  one of the algorithms for constructing  is as follows. Let , and suppose that  has been constructed, then

There exists a class of methods (2) — the stable infinitely repeated optimal Chebyshev iteration methods — that allows one to repeat the method (2)(5)(11) after  iterations in such a way that it is stable and such that it becomes optimal again for some sequence . For the case , it is clear from the formula

that  agrees with (11). If after  iterations one repeats the iteration (2)(5)(11) further, taking for  in (11) the  values


then once again one obtains a Chebyshev iteration method after  iterations. To ensure stability, the set(14) is decomposed into two sets: in the -th set, , one puts the  for which  is a root of the -th bracket in (13); within each of the subsets the  are permuted according to the permutation . For  one substitutes elements of the first set in (5)(11), and for  one uses the second subset; the permutation  is defined in the same way. Continuing in an analogous way the process of forming parameters, one obtains an infinite sequence , uniformly distributed on , called a -sequence, for which the method (2) becomes optimal with  and


The theory of the Chebyshev iteration methods (2)(3) can be extended to partial eigen value problems. Generalizations also exist to a certain class of non-self-adjoint operators, when  lies in a certain interval or within a certain domain of special shape (in particular, an ellipse); when information is known about the distribution of the initial error; or when the Chebyshev iteration method is combined with the method of conjugate gradients.
One of the effective methods of speeding up to the convergence of the iterations (2)(3) is a preliminary transformation of equation (1) to an equivalent equation of the form

and the application of the Chebyshev iteration method to this equation. The operator  is defined by taking account of two facts: 1) the algorithm for computing a quantity of the form  should not be laborious; and 2)  should lie in a set that ensures the fast convergence of the Chebyshev iteration method.


[1]  G.I. Marchuk,   V.I. Lebedev,   “Numerical methods in the theory of neutron transport” , Harwood  (1986)  (Translated from Russian)
[2]  N.S. Bakhvalov,   “Numerical methods: analysis, algebra, ordinary differential equations” , MIR  (1977)  (Translated from Russian)
[3]  G.I. Marchuk,   “Methods of numerical mathematics” , Springer  (1982)  (Translated from Russian)
[4]  A.A. Samarskii,   “Theorie der Differenzverfahren” , Akad. Verlagsgesell. Geest u. Portig K.-D.  (1984)  (Translated from Russian)
[5a]  V.I. Lebedev,   S.A. Finogenov,   “The order of choices of the iteration parameters in the cyclic Chebyshev iteration method”  Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. , 11 : 2  (1971)  pp. 425–438  (In Russian)
[5b]  V.I. Lebedev,   S.A. Finogenov,   “Solution of the problem of parameter ordering in Chebyshev iteration methods”  Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz , 13 : 1  (1973)  pp. 18–33  (In Russian)
[5c]  V.I. Lebedev,   S.A. Finogenov,   “The use of ordered Chebyshev parameters in iteration methods”  Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. , 16 : 4  (1976)  pp. 895–907  (In Russian)
[6a]  V.I. Lebedev,   “Iterative methods for solving operator equations with spectrum located on several segments”  Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. , 9 : 6  (1969)  pp. 1247–1252  (In Russian)
[6b]  V.I. Lebedev,   “Iteration methods for solving linear operator equations, and polynomials deviating least from zero” , Mathematical analysis and related problems in mathematics , Novosibirsk  (1978)  pp. 89–108  (In Russian)


In the Western literature the method (2)(5)(11) is known as the Richardson method of first degree [a2]or, more widely used, the Chebyshev semi-iterative method of first degree. The method goes back to an early paper of L.F. Richardson , where the method (2)(5) was already proposed. However, Richardson did not identify the zeros  of  with the zeros of (shifted) Chebyshev polynomials as done in (11), but (less sophisticatedly) sprinkled them uniformly over the interval . The use of Chebyshev polynomials seems to be proposed for the first time in [a1] and [a3].
The  “stable infinitely repeated optimal Chebyshev iteration methods”  outlined above are based on the identity , which immediately leads to the factorization

This formula has already been used in [a1] in the numerical determination of fundamental modes.

The method (3)(9) is known as Richardson’s method or Chebyshev’s semi-iterative method of second degree. It was suggested in [a9] and turns out to be completely stable; thus, at the cost of an extra storage array the instability problems associated with the first-degree process are avoided.
As to the choice of the transformation operator  (called  “preconditioningpreconditioning” ), an often used  “preconditionerpreconditioner”  is the so-called SSOR matrix (Symmetric Successive Over-Relaxation matrix) proposed in [a8].
Introductions to the theory of Chebyshev semi-iterative methods are provided by [a2] and [a3]. An extensive analysis can be found in [a10], Chapt. 5 and in [a4]. In this work the spectrum of the operator  is assumed to be real. An analysis of the case where the spectrum is not real can be found in [a5].
Instead of using minimax polynomials, one may consider integral measures for  “minimizing”   on . This leads to the theory of kernel polynomials introduced in [a9] and extended in [a11], Chapt. 5.
Iterative methods as opposed to direct methods (cf. Direct method) only make sense when the matrix is sparse (cf. Sparse matrix). Moreover, their versatility depends on how large an error  is tolerated; often other errors, e.g., truncation errors in discretized systems of partial differential equations, are more dominant.
When no information about the eigen structure of  is available, or in the non-self-adjoint case, it is often preferable to use the method of conjugate gradients (cf. Conjugate gradients, method of). Numerical algorithms based on the latter method combined with incomplete factorization have proven to be one of the most efficient ways to solve linear problems up to now (1987).


[a1]  D.A. Flanders,   G. Shortley,   “Numerical determination of fundamental modes”  J. Appl. Physics21  (1950)  pp. 1326–1332
[a2]  G.E. Forsythe,   W.R. Wasow,   “Finite difference methods for partial differential equations” , Wiley  (1960)
[a3]  G.H. Golub,   C.F. van Loan,   “Matrix computations” , North Oxford Acad.  (1983)
[a4]  G.H. Golub,   R.S. Varga,   “Chebyshev semi-iterative methods, successive over-relaxation methods and second-order Richardson iterative methods I, II”  Num. Math. , 3  (1961)  pp. 147–156; 157–168
[a5]  T.A. Manteuffel,   “The Tchebychev iteration for nonsymmetric linear systems”  Num. Math. , 28 (1977)  pp. 307–327
[a6a]  L.F. Richardson,   “The approximate arithmetical solution by finite differences of physical problems involving differential equations, with an application to the stresses in a masonry dam”  Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A , 210  (1910)  pp. 307–357
[a6b]  L.F. Richardson,   “The approximate arithmetical solution by finite differences of physical problems involving differential equations, with an application to the stresses in a masonry dam”  Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A , 83  (1910)  pp. 335–336
[a7]  G. Shortley,   “Use of Tchebycheff-polynomial operators in the numerical solution of boundary-value problems”  J. Appl. Physics , 24  (1953)  pp. 392–396
[a8]  J.W. Sheldon,   “On the numerical solution of elliptic difference equations”  Math. Tables Aids Comp. , 9  (1955)  pp. 101–112
[a9]  E.L. Stiefel,   “Kernel polynomials in linear algebra and their numerical applications” , Appl. Math. Ser. , 49 , Nat. Bur. Standards  (1958)
[a10]  R.S. Varga,   “Matrix iterative analysis” , Prentice-Hall  (1962)
[a11]  E.L. Wachspress,   “Iterative solution of elliptic systems, and applications to the neutron diffusion equations of nuclear physics” , Prentice-Hall  (1966)

Extremal polynomials with application to Richardson iteration for indefinite linear systems (Technical summary report / Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Modified Richardson iteration

Modified Richardson iteration is an iterative method for solving a system of linear equationsRichardson iteration was proposed by Lewis Richardson in his work dated 1910. It is similar to the Jacobiand Gauss–Seidel method.
We seek the solution to a set of linear equations, expressed in matrix terms as
 A x = b.,
The Richardson iteration is
  x^{(k+1)}  = x^{(k)} + omega left( b - A x^{(k)} right),
where ω is a scalar parameter that has to be chosen such that the sequence x(k) converges.
It is easy to see that the method is correct, because if it converges, then x^{(k+1)} approx x^{(k)} and x(k) has to approximate a solution of Ax = b.


Subtracting the exact solution x, and introducing the notation for the error e^{(k)} approx x^{(k)}-x, we get the equality for the errors
e(k + 1) = e(k) − ωAe(k) = (I − ωA)e(k).
  |e^{(k+1)}| = |(I-omega A) e^{(k)}|leq  |I-omega A| |e^{(k)}|,
for any vector norm and the corresponding induced matrix norm. Thus, if |I-omega A|<1 the method convergences.
Suppose that A is diagonalizable and that j,vj) are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A. The error converges to 0 if | 1 − ωλj | < 1 for all eigenvalues λj. If, e.g., all eigenvalues are positive, this can be guaranteed if ω is chosen such that 0 < ω < 2 / λmax(A). The optimal choice, minimizing all | 1 − ωλj | , is ω = 2 / (λmin(A) + λmax(A)), which gives the simplest Chebyshev iteration.
If there are both positive and negative eigenvalues, the method will diverge for any ω if the initial error e(0) has nonzero components in the corresponding eigenvectors.
