Interactive Whiteboard Software

Universal Interactive Whiteboard Software – top 3 so far

Don’t you wish there was a universal interactive whiteboard program – that could work on any IWB whether it was a home made WiiMote to a $10000 interactive LCD/LED screen.
eBeam ScrapBook. My pick for Primary to middle school, ebeam scapbook is a solid IWB program that does not require you to own an eBeam or have one connected for it to work. With things like video and stroke playback, the ability to bring in just about any image file plus flash animations and video its a well rounded package. Saves as either proprietary, HTML PDF, PPT, JPG, or PNG. Cross platform.Microsoft OneNote. Seriously overlooked and most people don’t even know they have it. This is my pick for middle and high schools plus tertiary and training centres. Great range of tools and drawing capability. The handwriting recognition is fantastic and the math symbol recognition is great if a little buggy. The sharing function is great if you are online and want to share your notebook.
Saves files as Onenote, PDF, DOC, HTML.

Open Sankore. this is a little different but once you get used to it holy cow. This is one of the most feature-full IWB programs I have come across. It’s a regular IWB in many respects with a smaller gallery than most but nothing that can’t be expanded. But the widgets/apps that you can add are amazing.

Imagine being able to embed just about any file from the web
Imagine having a google map working within your whiteboard – wikipedia and wikictionary as well.
Imagine being able to have a page as big as you want (scrolling)
Imagine being able to embed working websites into the document
Imagine being able to create your own widgets with a just using HTML and CSS

I’d give this a go in a classroom – the interface is non standard but does make sense and auto saves your work until you want to export it. It has a nice extended desktop function for interactive pen displays.
Exports only as Sankore or PDF.


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