YouTube to mp3 est le service en ligne le plus simple qui soit pour convertir des vidéos en mp3. Pas besoin de créer un compte, la seule chose qu’il vous faut est l’adresse (URL) d’une vidéo YouTube. La conversion est lancée dès que vous nous soumettez l’adresse de la vidéo, ensuite il vous suffira de télécharger le mp3 que nous aurons créé. A la différence d’autres services, l’intégralité du processus de conversion est effectué au sein de notre infrastructure, vous n’avez qu’à télécharger le fichier audio alors stocké sur nos serveurs. Ainsi, notre service est multi-platforme : vous pouvez l’utiliser sur votre Mac, un PC sous Linux ou même un iPhone. Toutes nos conversions sont effectuées en mode haute qualité avec un taux d’échantillonage égal ou supérieur à 128 kBit/s. Ne vous inquiétez pas, notre service est entièrement gratuit. Il nécessite approximativement 3 à 4 minutes par vidéo.

About is a free YouTube to MP3 converter. It allows you to convert and download a video from YouTube to MP3 audio online.

Mini-Stream Ripper

Digital Media Converter is a very good free audio video converter software that also converts every type of media file. No adware, and completely virus free. Great for converting files for YouTube

What is RMJ file?
RMJ file is a Real Jukebox file
File extension: .rmj
MIME type: application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmj, application/vnd.rn-rn-taiko-real-rmj
Developed by: RealNetworks
Type of format: audio file formatWhat is MP3 File?
MP3s are small, high quality audio files that can be played on MP3 players or software.
File extension: .mp3
MIME type: audio/mpeg
Type of format: AudioTo convert RMJ to MP3, you must use a file format converter program. Converter programs are abundantly available via the web. may be a good place for you to start shopping around. Many downloadable programs offer a free trial period so you may find it a good idea to try a program before purchasing it.3 basic steps to converting RMJ to MP3:

* Download a converter that supports RMJ to MP3 conversions.
* Install the program on your computer.
* Follow the instructions the program provides you with and you will be able to convert RMJ to MP3 format.

Here you can find out RMJ to MP3 Converter tools!

RM to MP3 Converter lets you easily to convert Real Audio files (.rm, .ra, .ram, .rmj) to MP3.

Mini-stream Ripper is a multi-channel Music Converter, which makes it convenient to convert RMJ to MP3, WMA, format. Support Batch Conversion.

Easy RM to MP3 Converter is an easy-to-use tool for converting Real Audio files to mp3 format. Also Support Convert RMJ to MP3.


Mini-Stream Ripper

Although it handles its main job without incident and supports a decent number of audio codecs, this ripper/converter has a poorly designed interface that may turn some users off. Mini-stream Ripper’s main window is merely a small, nonresizable, gray box with menu items for Load, Batch, and Convert. Although you can use the Load button to queue up files, you also can simply drag and drop them to the main window. Clicking the Batch button lets you convert multiple files into MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, RM, and FLAC formats at the quality of your choice, whereas the Convert icon allows you to transform single files. We wonder why all conversions can’t be handled from the same menu item. Also, though the application does rip CDs, you’ll have to browse to your drive to do so, as the interface lacks a dedicated icon for extracting tracks. We also were disappointed to discover the ripping tool can’t retrieve song information from the Web and that the demo will convert only six files at a time. Still, since this program does what it promises, we think savvier users may find it worth downloading.


LAME is a free software codec used to encode/compress audio into the lossy MP3 file format.

The name LAME is a recursive acronym for “LAME Ain’t an MP3 Encoder”.[1] Around mid-1998, Mike Cheng created LAME 1.0 as a set of modifications against the “8Hz-MP3” encoder source code. After some quality concerns raised by others, he decided to start again from scratch based on the “dist10” MPEG reference software sources. His goal was only to speed up the dist10 sources, and leave its quality untouched. That branch (a patch against the reference sources) became Lame 2.0. The project quickly became a team project. Mike Cheng eventually left leadership and started working on tooLAME (an MP2 encoder).

Mark Taylor then started pursuing increased quality in addition to better speed, and released version 3.0 featuring gpsycho, a new psychoacoustic model he developed.

A few key improvements, in chronological order:

  • May 1999: a new psychoacoustic model (gpsycho) is released along with LAME 3.0.
  • June 1999: The first variable bitrate implementation is released. Soon after this, LAME also became able to target lower sampling frequencies from MPEG-2.
  • November 1999: LAME switches from a GPL license to an LGPL license, which allows using it with closed-source applications.
  • May 2000: the last pieces of the original ISO demonstration code are removed. LAME is not a patch anymore, but a full encoder.
  • December 2003: substantial improvement to default settings, along with improved speed. LAME no longer requires user to use complicated parameters to produce good results.
  • May 2007: default variable bitrate encoding speed is vastly improved.

Like all MP3 encoders, LAME implements some technology covered by patents owned by the Fraunhofer Society and other entities.[2] The developers of LAME do not themselves license the technology described by these patents. Distributing compiled binaries of LAME, its libraries, or programs that derive from LAME in countries that recognize those patents may be patent infringing.

The LAME developers state that, since their code is only released in source code form, it should only be considered as an educational description of an MP3 encoder, and thus does not infringe any patent by itself when released as source code only. At the same time, they advise users to obtain a patent license for any relevant technologies that LAME may implement before including a compiled version of the encoder in a product.[3] Some software is released using this strategy: companies use the LAME library, but obtain patent licenses.

In November 2005, there were reports that the Extended Copy Protection rootkit included on some Sony Compact Discs included portions of the LAME library without complying with the terms of the LGPL.[4]

Audacity is a free digital audio editor and recording application, available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other operating systems.[5][4] Audacity was started by Dominic Mazzoni and Roger Dannenberg at Carnegie Mellon University.[1] As of 10 October 2011, it was the 11th most popular download from SourceForge, with 76.5 million downloads.[7] Audacity won the SourceForge 2007 and 2009 Community Choice Award for Best Project for Multimedia.[8][9]